divendres, 11 d’abril del 2014


On the western bank of the Nile River , twenty kilometers southwest of Cairo , stands the majestic statue with the body of a lion, the head of which is believed to represent the pharaoh Khafre : the Sphinx of Giza.

Supposedly it was built during the fourth dynasty, the XXVI century BC Although it is difficult to imagine the realization of such a project , the Sphinx was carved into a natural limestone plateau called Giza . Measuring twenty feet high , and in ancient times had been painted in bright colors : red , blue and yellow.

Along with the statue, is located a temple dating from the Old Kingdom , in front of her and another belonging to the New Kingdom , both offerings to the Sphinx and the Pyramid of Khafre connections through a processional avenue.

For centuries, the desert covered the body of the Sphinx with sand to protect it from erosion . Between 1816 and 1818 , Giovanni Battista Caviglia was commissioned to unearth sphinx and temples surrounding it.

The attacks of the Mamelukes , currently the sphinx doesn't own  nose and chin . The chin is in the British Museum in London.


dijous, 10 d’abril del 2014


The beer was a drink much appreciated by all peoples of antiquity . Archaeologists say that beer have  6,000 years.  In Egypt was knowed under the name Heneket was considered national drink and the drink of the gods , inasmuch as bread and beer, which he calls the " two new eyes " were always present not only in the food of the people, in religious and funeral ceremonies was present too.

For some writers the beer was a present that goddess Isis wanted to help humanity. For others however would have been invented by the god Osiris. In any case it is knowed that there are basically two types: red and clear colors used depended on the grain . Of these, one was looser and sweet Higit called , and another stronger flavor and texture Sejepet I called Jene . With characteristics that differed enough current , so it does not tend to be too thick, sweet and nutritious , no foam, and a number of impurities forced to drink it with a straw which had equipped with a special filter was consumed by both children and adults , which suggests consistently that his alcohol level was not excessive.


dijous, 3 d’abril del 2014


Beauty and health

The ancient Egyptians were not only cute, they also were very careful and responsible in aesthetics and health. The climate of Egypt is not very favorable from the desert air and intense heat they had a meticulous attention to hygiene and beauty, using deodorants, pills for breath and some perfume. The women had various kinds of natural products to care for their skin and combat wrinkles, they avoid the sun and they never came out on the street without makeup.


Way of dressing

A simple skirt and a simple rectangular piece of linen wrapped around the body was the first style in Egypt but after they introduce the leopard skin and the faskion was more important for women than for men.


dimecres, 2 d’abril del 2014


In egypt they was polytheistic so they believe with a lot of gods here you have some examples:

Ra the sun's god: he had 3 forms:
     Khepri: he had a beetle form and he represents the rising sun.
     Ra: he represents the sun's noon.
     Aton: an old man with a cane which represents the sun's decline.
Osiris the deads god and he was the god of the ressurectión too.
Anubis, the god that weigh the souls (with Horus) and take them to the realm of Osiris.
Bastet, the goddess of the protecction of the pregnant women.
Sekhmet the lion godess and the goddess of the war and the revenge.
Horus de got with the hawk head. He is a lot of gods and egypts thing his eyes was the sun and the moon.
Seth, the god of the violence and disorder.

               Seth                                             Ra                                        Anubis

                  Osiris                                     Bastet                                       Sekhmet


dimarts, 1 d’abril del 2014


Here you have some curiosities about the pharaoh:

  • The pharaohs had 2 crowns one of the upper egypt called hedjet and an other one of the lower egypt called deshert and both together are called pschent.
  • Scepters and staves were a general sign of authority in Ancient Egypt. One of the earliest royal scepters was discovered in the tomb of Khasekhemwy in Abydos.
  • The earliest evidence we have of the use of the Uraeus a rearing cobra is from the reign of Den from the first dynasty. The cobra supposedly protected the pharaoh by spitting fire at its enemies.

Welcome to stories about history

This is a new blog where i will tell you the most interesting things about the history of all the world starting by the ancient egipt. Now we are going to start an emocionant travel with the pyramids and the ancient pharaons.